Monday, January 07, 2008


H'allo - I'm finally making the big move over to my new webpage. Blogger has been a lovely host so far, but come over & visit me in my new web-home.


Subscribe to me through RSS, & enjoy the posts. There will be more content to always, the wheels are in motion.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Treasury #3 :]

Portia the Cat Tooth is being featured in a treasury!

It can be found right *here*

What a great day.  My goal today is to finish a basic layout for my webpage so I can finally transfer over  from blogger.  Here's to hoping!  I really want to do it on my own without paying anyone for their (much needed) services.  Here's to being stubborn!  Have a good Saturday everyone.  

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Treasury News!

Jacques is currently featured in a wonderful treasury right now!  It was made by FogAndThistle, who has amazing paper creations at her Etsy store.  The treasury is entitled 'Clash of the Titans'.  They're apparently remaking the 1981 version in the next few years!  That's pretty exciting - it also makes me want to rent the old one.  I wouldn't want Jacques getting any ideas, though...

'Clash of the Titans' can be found *here* until Saturday-ish, so check it out now.

Xavier the Extraordinary Giant Octopus was also featured on a treasury!  Which has since expired.  BUT.  Was also featured on the front page!!  Absolutely thrilling & somewhat appropriate since it also happened to be my birthday ;]  I'm still looking for a screen-cap of it somewhere.


My partner Ro made something to add to my Etsy shop.
& recently posted a few steps of the process to his blog (link can be found in the sidebar).  The specific entry about my shop & Xavier the Extraordinary Giant Octopus is here.  Isn't he amazing & creative?  I love the colors.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Idea

I've been playing around with a few new things to add to the shop eventually - & here are two of the not-quite-done results. We got a lot of snow today & I also tweaked something in my back, so I've been laying low.